Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nephew's Cali adventures

Its a week into their vacation in sunny california and here are some images and moments....

Walking up and down the Lyon street stairs...288steps total....a breathtaking view of the bay.

Making their way down the second set of stairs.

Austin..."I need a moment"

Austin and Noy taking a few minutes to recover.

And...they made it up to the top!!

Strolling cannery row in Monterey Bay.

Riding the cable car in San Fransisco.

Enjoying the pool.

Rock climbing at Planet Granite.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Visits of "The Three Monkeys"

My nephews (A.K.A. the three monkeys as we lovingly call them) are visiting for 10 days and I'm so excited to see them and take them around california. My sister Noy and brother-in-law Nelson of course will also be here so it will be so much fun this week. Of all things, they are most excited about seeing the crookest street (Lombard street) so that will be the first destination once I pick them up today. More interesting updates and pictures to come...

Monday, July 7, 2008

CT bon voyage party

My stop over in Connecticut marked the 10th destination of the RTW trip. In the short week, I crammed in lots of activities, family + friend visits. My visit ended on a very high note with a bon voyage party as I prepare to take-off abroad (first to Denmark then to China for the next few years). It was so great to have friends and family there but there were moments of bitter sweet as I reconnected with some old friends which I can only hope will not dissolve with the increased distance. It was a very hot and humid day and threaten with thunderstorm throughout the day. At the end we got a few sprinkles, not enough to spoil the fun.

the blessing ceremony called "Sou Kwan"

Chocolate fountain

A pool of libations

my sisters and brother

Thursday, July 3, 2008

RTW (Done!) checking out Cali...

As of this past sunday I've have successfully made a complete circle around the world in 60 days! You would think I'd be exhausted but funny enough I'm not...this week I am wearing two hats as a tour guide and a tourist as I travel down to southern California with my mom+aunt+cousin. Since I will be leaving the area soon, they are the first wave of family visit to be followed by my sister + family later in the month which should be a fun and interesting trip since this will be the first time my nephews have ever taken a plane. I'm very excited to have my nephews experience California.

So far this week we've covered parts of the bay area, some SF (will be doing more sightseeing on friday), Napa, Sonoma, Highway 1 coastal drive, LA, San Diego. Our drive down Highway 1 was shorten due to road closer around the forest first.

Tomorrow we head back up to see families in Modesto + Turlock before stopping back home to Fremont. Once again I have to admit that I don't find driving long, long hours (8+) much fun especially with the outrageous gas prices but the company is well worth it. I will upload pictures soon.