Saturday, May 17, 2008

A whole cow for me!

Warning to my Veggie + Vegan friends please skip reading this posting.

Earlier this week, my aussie family casually mentioned a send-off party for me this saturday which marks my last two days in Australia. I thought it was a very kind guesture and cool of them to go through the trouble. I think its completely unecessary but there was no stopping their plans. Yesterday, my uncle confirmed that he has ordered a "whole cow" to be delivered for the party. I pushed back slightly and insisted on a few slabs of steak and some shrimp on the barbie but my request was ignored! Those of you familiar with Lao food know that all parts of the cow will be prepared and eaten up (a meat lover's feast). Today, I heard the guest list...looks like I'll be partying with lots of people I don't know to help send me off and hopefully consume the "whole cow". There sure to be some interesting conversations and pictures to share with you later. Of course the conundrum I face is how hard to party tomorrow night if I'm still contemplating the half marathon sunday morning!!!