Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My fashion violations

If the fashion police was on my case there would be plenty of citations handed out...thought I take a review of the different types of outfits (from head to toe) I've worn over the duration of this trip. I've made some fashion sacrifices in the name of exploration and adventure. Some outfits are not so bad while others I have no words to decribe it so its best to let the pictures speak for themselves...just try not to laugh so hard!

Australia: Sidney Bridge Climb..."star trek" outfit.
Australia: Pigtails and bushwalking in the Blue Mountains.

New Zealand: hang gliding "apron" look.
New Zealand: bungy jumping, "towel" tide around my feet.

New Zealand: glacial hike, 1st outfit "red fanny".
New Zealand: glacial hike, 2nd outfit is the "spiked boots" with axe.

New Zealand: Waitomo caving, a cross between "a mine worker and a blue smurfette".
Malaysia: Visiting a mosque, I call this the "pepto bismo" look, at least I match the dome.

Taiwan: In my cousin's maternity shirt I may qualify to weigh and look like the wind damer!

My footwear of choice in Athens (got these in Taiwan of all places) and super comfortable.

Barcelona: Got these in Athens the day I left, these only saw the pavements of Barcelona.

Denmark: viking museum, this outfit was begging to be worn...its missing a sword or something.

That's all I have. Who knows what else I might have worn if given more time on the road.