Monday, June 2, 2008

Taipei, the "Food + Building" tour

I leave Taipei with a (very) full stomach and a warm heart. Unlike my previous destinations, I approached Taipei with no set agenda other than to spend time with Anna and Tommy. Taipei being the midpoint of my RTW itinerary, I selfishly used it as a base to recalibrate myself, do some laundry, and reconnect with people (online that is) before heading out to the next leg of my trip...glad Anna and Tommy was OK with my plan. Taipei was coming into its autumn/rainy season as such the forecast of mist and rain dictated my sightseeing plans which I was ok with. The umbrella was to be our constant companion along with plan B (incase of rain).

Due to my rigid itinerary in the previous destinations, the one thing missing from my agenda was the enjoyment of the local cuisine (not counting the cow party which was special onto itself). Taipei turned out to be the culinary tour that I’d hoped for but denied of due to my time limitations. I completely lucked out that my family loves to eat be the local guide. Anna, Tommy, and Tommy’s Dad (William a native Taiwanese) has some serious knowledge and connections when it comes to the “secret” places to eat. Here are some yummy, tentalizing food pictures. You can find more pictures in the slideshow link.

My visit to Taipei was sweet, very sweet! I will need to come back to visit the family and the food especially the fried rice. Next time I'd like to see and hike the mountains.

The best fried rice I've ever eaten, perfect balance of flavors and texture...yummy!

"Mango Bing (ice)", I'm deliriously happy to eat this given the hot + humid day.

Sea urchin on rice, reluctant at first but I liked it after the first bite.

huge prawns with glass noodle in a simple broth.

Earthquake hits Taipei...yikes!

My last night in Taipei was rocked by an earthquake at approx. 12:10am the entire building shook for about 10 seconds. It was an earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale has rocked northern Taiwan. We were all quitely in bed, the shake made us all jumped out of bed. There was no damage and no one got hurt but it sure made our hearts skipped for a moment!