Monday, May 19, 2008

2nd stop - New Zealand

Monday (5.19) I head out to Auckland which marks the second stop on my RTW agenda. I am looking forward to the much talked about New Zealand. Everyone I've spoken to loves it there and highly recommends it. At this stop, I do not have any connections and surely no extended relatives to put me up ;-( but I am looking forward to the adventures. If by any chance anyone has some cool people you know in New Zealnd and are willing to introduce to me....please let me know.

I will only be in NZ for one week and have packed it tight with many outdoor activities and some cityscapes. A few things I will be doing...
-check out Auckland city
-fly to Queenstown in the south island for a couple of days
-drive to Franz Josef for a half day glacial hike
-head back to north island to either do the Waitomo cave or ride the Zorb ball at Rotorua.
-lots of driving alone but I think the scenary will more than make up for it

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