Monday, November 17, 2008

Out of California

Saying goodbye to so many things I hold dear in California was difficult to say the least but it was not a sad thing. I hope to return to the sunshine state someday...for now I prepare to another "C" location....China. Since September I have been working and living in Denmark which has been an interesting experience in itself. The weather is getting colder and the days are shorter which makes one miss the sunshines of California but there are plenty of pleasant things in Denmark to distract me. Now its fall and the ctiy of Kobenhavn is preparing for the jule (xmas) holidays. Its a very nice time to be here...

Inside Tivoli Garden where beautiful ligths adorn every corner.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nephew's Cali adventures

Its a week into their vacation in sunny california and here are some images and moments....

Walking up and down the Lyon street stairs...288steps total....a breathtaking view of the bay.

Making their way down the second set of stairs.

Austin..."I need a moment"

Austin and Noy taking a few minutes to recover.

And...they made it up to the top!!

Strolling cannery row in Monterey Bay.

Riding the cable car in San Fransisco.

Enjoying the pool.

Rock climbing at Planet Granite.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Visits of "The Three Monkeys"

My nephews (A.K.A. the three monkeys as we lovingly call them) are visiting for 10 days and I'm so excited to see them and take them around california. My sister Noy and brother-in-law Nelson of course will also be here so it will be so much fun this week. Of all things, they are most excited about seeing the crookest street (Lombard street) so that will be the first destination once I pick them up today. More interesting updates and pictures to come...